Gibò - Happy New Year 2014

Gibò - Happy New Year 2014

When: 31/12/2013 - 01/01/2014

Where: Litoranea Santa Maria di Leuca Otranto km 5 Lecce - 73034 Gagliano del Capo - Località Ciolo |73028 - Otranto | Map

Telephone: +39 320 0737758



The text is translated from Google translator, we apologise for the inconvenience, we will soon provide for correct and well written text.
Thank u for visiting us.


On December 31, only GIBO'

The evening will be divided into two stages:

- New Year's Eve dinner, beginning at 21:00

The price of dinner is € 120,00 per person and includes: entrée - appetizer - two first - second - pudding - the wine that will be served during dinner and bottle untap midnight. The cost of € 120 includes admission after dinner with the exception of the space privee for which reservation is required.

- After the fireworks artficio since midnight.

The cost is € 25.00 or € 35.00 in advance at the box office with input from midnight.


Dinner and after dinner will be cheered on by a large group live

 ::: Gabriele Poso Organik Quartet :::

- Gabriele Poso: Percussion, Guitar
- Carolina Bubbico: Piano, Voice
- Luca Alemanno: Double Bass, Electric Bass
- Ovidio Venturoso: Drums, Percussion

and later by dj Paolo Mele and dj Antonio Francone

Gibò - Happy New Year 2014  

Reservation is required.

Info & booking Dinner - Privee - Disc Presale
+39 320 0737758

overnight service cost of € 150.00 which includes of course the dinner!

The structure in the region will be chosen by an agency of tourism services with whom we collaborate.