When: 07/06/2013 - 29/09/2013
: www.castelloaragoneseotranto.it/it/archivio-eventi/details/18-giorgio-de-chirico-mistero-e-poesia
Opening of the exhibition "Giorgio de Chirico - Mystery and poetry" by Franco Calarota
A great event arrives for the fifth year in a row, the Aragonese Castle of Otranto, a cultural center operated by the "Comunicazione Orione di Maglie e dalla Società Cooperativa Sistema Museo di Perugia" under the artistic direction of the architect Raffaela Zizzari.
After receiving more than 200 thousand visitors with exhibitions of Joan Miro, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali and Andy Warhol, the ancient manor houses idruntino from Saturday, June 8 to Sunday, September 29 the works of the Italian artist who died in 1978.
Aragonese Castle of Otranto