Messapi - Specialità del Salento

Messapi - Specialità del Salento

Address:  Via Marche, 1 | 73054 - Presicce | Map

Telephone: +39 320 5698686



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The company Messapi born from the passion for quality.

Searches the best of agricultural and craft of Salento and rediscover of Salento cuisine, made with the same procedures and the care of a time.

The absence of preservatives, dyes or other substances that alter the natural taste of the products led to the creation of high-quality foods at a very attractive price.

Our natural products are preserved in extra virgin olive oil (from the famous olive groves centennials): toppings for bruschetta, vegetable pates, eggplants and tasty lampascioni (wild onions) collected during the season, to have reserve them during the season winter.

The extra virgin olive oil is used for our products sweet and savory baked from our artisan bakery, with high quality flours, mixed according to ancient recipes (like cookies at Primitivo wine of Salento). Not least the tomato sauces that, thanks to the methods of cultivation and harvesting of fresh tomato and at the right ripeness.


Product Catalog - Messapi - Specialità del Salento   Product Catalog - Messapi - Specialità del Salento  [694 Kb]